Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Test tomorrow!

Here is a nice answer from the practice test from chapter 3 about smoking and education level:

The data suggest that a higher percentage of non-smokers continue their education beyond High School than smokers.
Non-smokers have a higher percentage of 4-year college attendees (48%) than smokers (26%). Less of non-smokers have only High School educations (40%) than smokers (64%). Therefore, smoking habits are associated with education level and these variables are NOT independent.

Here is my answer from the CUSS'ing quiz about Halloween candy:

Note to self: since one data set is skewed, I will use the median and IQR:

The boys collected more candy than girls with a median of 62 compared to 45.5.
The boys were skewed left whereas the girls are fairly symmetrical.
(note: no comparison word really needed)
The boys have slightly more spread than the girls. The boys have an
IQR of 31 and a range of 65, while the girls have an IQR of 25 and a
range of 60.