Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Unit 2 review answers

1a.  Yes, the residual plot has no pattern.
1b.  233.517 = ABOUT 233.5 more aircraft per year.
1c.  89.9% of the change in aircraft is explained by the regression on year.
1d.  2939.93 + 233.517*(2) = 3406.964 aircraft
1e.  3406.964 + 40 = 3446.964 = 3447 aircraft
1f.  sqrt(0.899) = 0.948 = r = strong, positive, linear relationship between year and # of aircraft
1g. s = 33.43 = sd of the residuals = the LSRL missed the data by an average of 33.43 aircraft
1h.  aircraft-hat = 2939.93 + 233.517*year
1i.  Yes!  In 1990 (year zero) we PREDICT that there were 2939.93 aircraft.